> What is the strategy behind level #3? I can't seem to get enough going to
> get ahead. The best I was able to do was destroy one Lab, but there is no
> way for me to get the other. I have tried so may times I feel like I am
> about to give up on this game. Totally frustrating to always get my butt
> kicked!
> Jerry Withers

I had some problems with this level too. I tried to build everything up, to
have all the resources and everything, but I always ended up failing. Then I
found that it really doesn't matter if you build all those buildings. Just
make knights out of all your peasants and then, with 10 or 12 or something,
just go attack the enemy and take one lab a the time. Actually, I had to do
it in two rounds; take one lab first, and then train some more knights and
then take the other one. If you don't have enough resources, just trade some
of which you have for gold or similar.